ADC Annual Awards


Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design

This discipline focuses on design specializations such as building design, landscape architecture and design, interior design, service design, certain areas of public art and more.

All entries must have been completed between January 1, 2023 – February 28, 2025 in any country.

◊ Freelancers: $100.00
◊ Company Size = 2-50 Employees: $200.00
◊ Company Size = 51+ Employees: $350.00

◊ An entry title and project credits are required on all entries.
 A client name is required for all categories. If the work was created for your own company or brand, please enter your company name into the client field.
◊ A detailed project description of 300 words or less is not required, but is highly recommended.
◊ Each category accepts specific media types. All categories require judging media and at least one reference image.
 Judging Media: Required primary material and content that the jury will be judging.
 Supporting Media: Optional Secondary content that the jury may choose to review at their discretion.
 Reference Image: Required image that reflects the content of your entry. These images may be used by ADC for promotional purposes. The jury will see these images but they will not be judged.




Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Window Display / Merchandising

Window Display / Merchandising

A single (1) or series (2-10) of themed and seasonal windows, retail installations, building wrappings, projections, window decals or visual merchandising.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Wayfinding Systems

Wayfinding Systems

A single (1) informational system that guides people through a physical environment.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Urban Planning

Urban Planning

A single (1) project featuring innovative design responsive of current urban challenges including pollution, information technology and socialization.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Sustainability / Environmentally Conscious Design

Sustainability / Environmentally Conscious Design

Creativity in the use of environmentally sustainable design features for a single (1) built environment.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Set / Stage Design

Set / Stage Design

A single (1) project featuring design of sets and stages for film and video, theater, concerts, events, etc.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Public Art

Public Art - Installation Design

A single (1) project featuring design of site-specific, temporary or permanent work. Installations may be immersive or interactive, informative, structural, etc.
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Public Art - Mural

A single (1) or series (2-10) of large-scale design applied to a permanent surface. May include indoor or outdoor murals.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Lighting Design

Lighting Design

A single (1) project featuring interior or exterior lighting design for residences, restaurants, museums, offices, retail, entertainment, etc.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Landscape Design

Landscape Design

A single (1) project featuring design of built and natural environments including parks, plazas, campuses, residences, public open spaces, promenades, pop-ups, etc.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Interior Design

Interior Design - Hotel Design

A single (1) project featuring design of interiors. Includes the design of event spaces, guest rooms, lobbies, lounges, etc.
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Interior Design - Residential Interiors

A single (1) project featuring design of a residential interior.
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Interior Design - Retail / Restaurant Interiors

Interior design of single (1) restaurant or retail store.
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Interior Design - Work / Public / Community Spaces

Interior design of a single (1) workplace or public building.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design


Spatial design that pushes creative boundaries within a single (1) project.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design
Exhibition Design

Exhibition Design - Museum Exhibition

Design of a single (1) physical space to convey a story, theme or topic.
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Exhibition Design - Trade Show Exhibition

A single (1) project featuring design of a trade show exhibit.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design

Craft - Use of Color

Creativity in the use of colors for a single (1) built environment.
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Craft - Use of Materials

Creativity in the use of materials for a single (1) built environment.
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Craft - Use of Technology

Creativity in the use of data / technology for a single (1) built environment.
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Architecture / Interior / Environmental Design

Architecture - Bridges / Infrastructure

A single (1) project featuring new utilitarian models for public facilities including bridges, tunnels, waste disposal, water management etc.
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Architecture - Commercial Building

A single (1) project featuring design of restaurants, shopping centers, convenience stores, warehouses, factories, etc.
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Architecture - Conceptual / Unbuilt

A single (1) project featuring design of client-approved, unbuilt projects. Includes installations, buildings, interiors and exteriors, exhibitions and installations.
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Architecture - Education / Institutional Design

A single (1) project featuring design of schools, libraries, museums, hospitals, nonprofit and governmental buildings.
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Architecture - Health / Medical Centers

A single (1) project featuring design of health and medical spaces including hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers etc.
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Architecture - High Rise / Skyscrapers

A single (1) project featuring design of a building with more than 25 floors.
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Architecture - Mixed Use

A single (1) building featuring a combination of one or more categories, such as residential and commercial or cultural and commercial or a mixture.
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Architecture - Museums / Cultural Centers

A single (1) project featuring design of galleries, museums, libraries, foundations, landmark & symbolic structures etc.
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Architecture - Religious Centers

A single (1) project featuring design of places of worship, including churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.
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Architecture - Residential Building

A single (1) project featuring design of private and multi family homes, apartment buildings, residential amenities design including building lobby, recreational zones including athletic facilities, pools, spa, lounge, banquets etc.
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Architecture - Restoration / Renovation

A single (1) project featuring thoughtful renovation or adaptive re-use of a pre-existing structure.
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Architecture - Sport / Recreation

A single (1) project featuring design of stadiums, sports complexes, wellness centers, etc.
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Architecture - Transportation Hubs

A single (1) project featuring design of transit hubs including airports, train stations, bus stations etc.
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